Rocco Girlanda

Rocco Girlanda (Gubbio, January 31, 1966 - ) is an Italian politician, member of the Party of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Married, five children.

He is also an entrepreneur, journalist and media proprietor. He owns the Italian publishing house Corriere, whose publications include several important newspapers.

From 2009 to 2011 he has been President of Italy-USA Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Rome, Italy. The Embassy of the United States in Rome officially attended the establishment of the Foundation, represented by the Minister Counselor for Public Affairs.

He is member of the People of Freedom Party, elected to Italian Chamber of Deputies in 2008, currently member of the Judiciary Committee.

Rocco Girlanda met on Sunday December 13, 2009, in Capanne prison on the outskirts of Perugia, with American prisoner Amanda Knox. He also wrote a book about his talks with Amanda Knox in prison.

In January 2010 he proposed to dedicate the 21st of December of each year as "National Day of the Victims of Political Hatred", in remembrance of 13 December 2009 aggression to Silvio Berlusconi in Milan.


Take me with you - Talks with Amanda Knox in prison, Piemme, 2010, ISBN 9788856615623
